
In December 2023, I completed my doctoral studies, working with Dr. Manuel Rausch at the Soft Tissue Biomechanics Lab at the University of Texas at Austin, since August 2018. My research focused on biomechanics, nonlinear solid mechanics, computational modeling and just a little of machine learning.

Prior to joining UT Austin, I received a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. After my graduation in 2016, I worked as a Research Assistant at the Machine Dynamics Lab, under the supervision of prof. Sotirios Natsiavas, conducting modeling and simulations on rigid and flexible multibody dynamics.



  • 05/2024 - Final Dissertation text-file available online (link)
  • 04/2024 - I’ve been appointed as a Distinguished Fellow of the International Society of the Reverse Poynting Effect (IRPES)
  • 01/2024 - I’ll join Altair Engineering as a full-time Software Development Engineer at Thessaloniki, Greece


  • 12/2023 - Officially graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a MS/PhD in Engineering Mechanics

  • 11/2023 - Dissertation defense, titled “Histomechanical Characterization and Microstructure-Based Modeling of Right Ventricular Myocardium”.

  • 10/2023 - Two latest papers were accepted and are available online, on pulmonary hypertension-induced stiffening and on the mechanics of embedded fiber networks.

  • 09/2023 - Internship project with Ansys featured on the developer’s portal.

  • 08/2023 - I’ll return at Ansys for a second rotation, as a Computational Mechanics intern, during Fall 2023.

  • 07/2023 - Our study on the mechanics of embedded, discrete fiber networks is now available as a preprint.

  • 04/2023 - A preprint of our work on pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular stiffening is available on bioRxiv.

  • 04/2023 - Abstract on “Microstructure-based Estimation of the Effective Stiffness of Crosslinked, Embedded Fiber Networks” has been accepted for a podium presentation at SB3C2023.

  • 02/2023 - I will spend the Summer 2023 as a Computational Structural Mechanics intern at Ansys.


  • 10/2022 - Latest work on embedded, discrete fiber networks at the Society of Engineering Science Annual Technical Meeting (SES2022), College Station, TX. (Monday 10/17/22, @8.7 Mechanics of Complex Networks in Materials and Biology, Session: 1A).